The Great Orc
Mini Boss
Very High
Threat Level
Very High
Damage Type
Very High
The Wall
Enemy Abilities
Armour 1 – The heavy armour and combat skill of The Great Orc makes him a skilled defender. This reduces the damage he takes.
Orc Leader – The Great Orc strikes fear in his fellow Orcs. All other Orcs in play gain +1 Movement whilst The Great Orc is alive and Unstunned.
Special Placement – The Great Orc always appears on Square 4. If Square 4 is filled he pushes all in that square forward one. He is NOT Large though.
The Great Orc Play Style
The Great Orc is the most experienced and powerful Orc to join the armies of The Ogre King.
There are other masters of the Orcs but this one, known among his kind as The Great Orc they really serve and fear in equal measure.
When the Great Orc is in play be sure to use him to speed on other Orcs and make the most of your Armour ability.
They are harder to bring down though and when in play with their leader The Great Orc, they can become a serious problem.
The Great Orcs Background
The Great Orc is from the other side of the main mountain range from where you are. He has come across the peaks destroying all in his way.
He is a skilled fighter and a respected general in The Ogre King’s army. The Orcs hang on his every command and it seems he has some considerable tactical skills, rare among the Orcs.
Little is known about him save that he and his tribe of Orcs seems to be the closest large gathering of them in the region. We’ve known of their kind for a long, long time. They raid when they can but for their leader to be here himself means he fancies some considerable spoils from among our lands.
We must keep them out.