Our Creators FAQ
What inspired you to create Save Our City?
It was a general desire to want to make something like this. Something easy to play and that didn’t take a lot of set-up.
We wanted to make something fun and really to use the time we had couped up during Lockdown.
What is the story behind the gameplay?
All of the characters have a reason for being here. They all have their own backstory as to why they want to help save the city from attack.
There is a whole backstory and who knows, maybe we will get a book written on the battle at some point. The backstory for the characters just adds flavour and depth. Beyond this, it’s a fairly traditional tower defence game.
Designed for fun and ease of play.
How did you come up with the theme?
The characters in this tend to follow typical fantasy types. You have a hybrid character in the Hunter, a warrior type in the Axeguard and some Wizard classes as well. It was more about coming up with a characters playstyle, then, fitting a theme to that.
More about giving players character types they would want to play rather than just putting characters in for the sake of it. Fun first, always!
It’s also been fun adding more characters beyond the standard 10 for additional content and expansions. This is something we’ve really enjoyed and playtesting them.
How did you come up with the theme?
The characters in this tend to follow typical fantasy types. You have a hybrid character in the Hunter, a Warrior type in the Axeguard and some Wizard classes as well. It was more about coming up with a characters playstyle and then fitting a theme to that.
More about giving players character types they would want to play rather than just putting characters in for the sake of it. Fun first, always!
What were the biggest challenges?
Making the game wasn’t too hard although the first run-through was a disaster. Thankfully the family and friends who took part took it well.
Beyond some big tweaks in the first game, as we went, it quickly found its way. The biggest challenge for me was moving from design concept to production.
This was where I learned a lot. Relying on contractors which could be good or bad, reliable or not and getting through this stage was hard. Still, once you have got a team beside you then you are ready to go.
I also know we will have other difficulties ahead. Supply chain, marketing and other things so I know we’re not through the trials just yet.
How did you handle playtesting?
I’m lucky as the family were the first ones and a friend. They are all honest enough with me to explain the bits they like and what they didn’t.
Also, things which were unclear were quickly adjusted and neatened up.
My son plays a lot of games and my wife has been a roleplayer (D&D and Cyberpunk) etc for 20+ years.
However, the friend wasn’t into games hadn’t even seen Lord of the Rings. We had to explain what a goblin and orc were!
But he enjoyed it and got to grips with the game quickly.
So, at this point, with some adaption and positive feedback, I could make the changes needed and form the rules.
Then, we went on testing with some more ‘serious’ gamers. These people knew how to play board games often being Kickstarters for other titles themselves. One player – Arron, even went on to break the game with a clever move. So, that rule was quickly adjusted.
Now, plenty of people have played Save Our City and gotten the feel for it, and above all enjoyed it. It’s a simple game and its rules just make sense.
What makes this unique or stand out?
That is a hard thing to answer. It’s not overly complex and a fun first game.
It has ideas or concepts which are different from other games but there isn’t much around in the tower defence market.
So, I think this is a big part of what makes it unique or different. Also, the scope for expansion within the game. We have 1 fully finished campaign add-on with another in production.
What makes this unique or stand out?
That is a hard thing to answer. It’s not overly complex and a fun game above all else.
It has ideas or concepts which are different from other games and thankfully there isn’t much around in the tower defence genre of board games.
So, I think this is a big part of what makes it unique or different. Also, the scope for expansion within the game. We have 1 fully finished campaign add-on with another in production.
How did you decide on components or artwork for the game?
Artwork wise it was easy to pick a classical fantasy design as that is my preference. I’m not such a fan of the over-the-top artwork in things like World of Warcraft but I loved the game for many years.
I could have gone for a more angular Manga style of artwork but I wanted to go for something which appealed to as many as possible and that just seemed to fit the game.
So, I am very happy with what I have gone with. It fits with what we are doing and it looks right.
There is a lot of editing and backwards and forwards with designers to get things right. At times this can take a lot of effort but sticking to your ideals pays off with the look and feel of the game.
When showing this to people they are always really surprised by the artwork and how it looks. The designers did a good job indeed.
What advice do you have for other designers?
Firstly come up with your concept and know where it sits within the market. That is the first thing.
Then, mock it out and play-test it a lot! Get people who know nothing about it to play the game as well. Their advice is likely more valuable than any others.
Next, decide what you want to do with the game. If you feel it’s got momentum then speak to us. We would be happy to share some advice, who knows, in time we may even become a publishing house for other games ourselves.
We looked at doing this with others publishing our games but they are so removed and faceless. Sadly, it was a bit of a disappointing experience.
We never even spoke to a real person. It was all done through web portals and email and you can’t get the feel of a game through that.
What is next for you?
We are firmly committed to getting these games launched ourselves. This is our first plan.
Secondly, a friend is working on an app version of Save Our City which looks to be pretty good as well.
We will also release an app version of the rules for all our games. So, people have up-to-date copies of the rules to hand with them at all times.
It seems a simple thing for tech to do and it is a really good idea.